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Limits - Techniques 1 - Finite fixed point (x0), finite limit (y0)Cancelling a linear factor · Limit does not exist · Difference of two squares · Combining the numerator · Applying an algebra formula with an unknown number of terms · Multiplying by a unity factor · Factoring cubic polynomials · Substitution · Recommended Books
Here we are less interested in the definition of the limit than in how to calculate them. We proceed by examples, using the following terminology
Example 1 - Cancelling a linear factor
Find the limit
Clearly we'll have problems just substituting x = 1, since that will make the denominator zero, and the entire expression undefined. Instead, we'll do some algebra first to see if we can trim off any fat. Since (see algebra formulae)
We can write
And so
Example 2 - Limit does not exist
Find the limit
Again, straight substitution won't work. In fact, regardless of how we play with this limit, we will still have a factor in the denominator which is zero, while the numerator is not. This limit does not exist. We cannot even assign it either +/- infinity, since the answer will be different depending on whether x approaches 4 from below (negative infinity) or above (positive infinity).
Example 3 - Difference of two squares
Find the limit
Apply the same algebra technique as the first example above, twice:
Example 4 - Combining the numerator
Find the limit
A little algebra reveals that this limit is also not what it seems
And so
Since 2 is not a function of x, it doesn't matter what the fixed point is, the answer is still 2!
Example 5 - Applying an algebra formula with an unknown number of terms
Find the limit
For the three cases: m > n, m = n, m < n.
The m = n case is trivial
In the case where m < n or m > n, from the algebra formulae
Notice that this agrees with the trivial result when m = n.
Example 6 - Multiplying by a unity factor
Find the limit
Multiply by 1 in the form of the numerator with a "+" sign substituted for a "-" sign:
Please note in the above examples that, once the limit has been taken, the limit symbol is removed and the fixed point is substituted for x. Prior to that, the limit symbol is needed. When we are doing pure algebra, we leave off the limit symbol to avoid cluttering the math.
Example 7 - Factoring cubic polynomials
Find the limit
Inspection of the denominator shows it becomes zero at x = 1, which means (x - 1) is a factor of the polynomial in the denominator. Performing a division (you can do the subtraction under the divisor if you like - you will need to be able to factor cubic polynomials like this),
Since x = 1 is an interesting point for the denominator, we can try it with the numerator
The quadratic term on the right is irreducible, since
So, out limit becomes
The numerator becomes finite while the denominator goes to zero, there is no more algebra which can reduce the expression, so this limit does not exist.
Find the limit
Here it helps to do a substitution
so that we can now write the limit expression as
This technique will prove very useful for calculus problems later.
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